I think I'm a mutt
I got mistaken for someone else yesterday.....AGAIN! No kidding, this happens to me at least twice a month. Everywhere I go, someone tells me I look exactly like someone they know. Complete strangers walk up to me and attempt to engage me in conversation, calling me by someone else's name (given, I don't wear a nametag, so they can't know my real name, but still...). This is really starting to freak me out. I think I am a mutt. A mixture of a lot of different people, with just enough of each person to strongly favor them.
Now, if this had happened once, or even twice, I would not think much about it. But this is a regular occurence with me. It even happened when I was in Africa. What's really scary is that I have met a person in our area who shares my first name and who really does favor me. Or do I favor him? I don't know, but I'm now convinced about that old saying, "Everyone has a twin somewhere." I think I have octuplets out there. I wonder if anyone I know has ever walked up to one of them and called them by my name?
Too funny. :)
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