Sharptooth Barney

Read at your own peril. Sharptooth Barney is loose. You will see this name with growing regularity in the future. Sharptooth Barney is a mysterious phenomenon that will soon sweep the globe. What is it? Can it be defined? Words have, so far, failed to adequately express it. Sharptooth Barney lives in all of us. It is a person, an entity, an idea, and a figment of our imaginations. He is quite real is one sense, quite foreign in another. But whatever you call him, he is here to stay.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Weeping and gnashing of Sharptooth

'Tis finals time. I know I have been slack about posting, but I must get through the 26th of May. Then finals will be over and I will dedicate more time to posting random things that no one in their right mind would read anyway. Please pray for me! Four finals, several papers...I'm stressing lots and not sleeping much.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

I think I'm a mutt

I got mistaken for someone else yesterday.....AGAIN! No kidding, this happens to me at least twice a month. Everywhere I go, someone tells me I look exactly like someone they know. Complete strangers walk up to me and attempt to engage me in conversation, calling me by someone else's name (given, I don't wear a nametag, so they can't know my real name, but still...). This is really starting to freak me out. I think I am a mutt. A mixture of a lot of different people, with just enough of each person to strongly favor them.

Now, if this had happened once, or even twice, I would not think much about it. But this is a regular occurence with me. It even happened when I was in Africa. What's really scary is that I have met a person in our area who shares my first name and who really does favor me. Or do I favor him? I don't know, but I'm now convinced about that old saying, "Everyone has a twin somewhere." I think I have octuplets out there. I wonder if anyone I know has ever walked up to one of them and called them by my name?