Sharptooth Barney

Read at your own peril. Sharptooth Barney is loose. You will see this name with growing regularity in the future. Sharptooth Barney is a mysterious phenomenon that will soon sweep the globe. What is it? Can it be defined? Words have, so far, failed to adequately express it. Sharptooth Barney lives in all of us. It is a person, an entity, an idea, and a figment of our imaginations. He is quite real is one sense, quite foreign in another. But whatever you call him, he is here to stay.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Cities Now Have The Right To Seize Homes

America has just taken a huge step backwards, and we should all be afraid. In what has got to be one of the most frightening court decisions in our time, the Supreme Court has ruled that cities may seize our homes and deliver them into the hands of those who will pay higher taxes. In other words, if taking the home that we have bought will earn them a buck, well, Joe Taxpayer means absolutely Zero. Because you don't pay as many tax dollars as the businesses do, your rights have been trampled for the "public good".

Do not be deluded into thinking that you will receive a fair market value for your home, or that they care about any hardship they will cause you. Because government is no longer for the people. It is for big business. They no longer represent the average person. They represent those with the most money, never mind that you served your country faithfully and have worked hard for what you own. We no longer have a right to "own" property. How can it belong to us when the local beaurocrats can snatch it from us so that they can fatten their own wallets? It's time for us to take a stand on this issue. If companies come in to snatch up our land, let's speak with our wallets. They will only do so as long as it is profitable for them. Take your business elsewhere. When your local government starts coming in to take away what you have worked for, go to the voting booths and vote their tails out of office.

What is to stop them from seizing churches? Our businesses?

Let's see if the people of America still have a voice. Let's cry out against this injustice.